Explore some of South America’s most spectacular l和scapes in the first of our new ‘Time Well Spent’ series of bespoke private jet itineraries, 品尝当地美食,住在豪华的住宿.


Explore some of South America’s most spectacular l和scapes in the first of our new ‘Time Well Spent’ series of bespoke private jet itineraries, 品尝当地美食,住在豪华的住宿. Highlights of this once-in-a-lifetime journey to the End of the World include discovering 复活节岛’s monolithic 摩埃 statues, 在智利徒步攀登一座活火山, 在玻利维亚广阔的盐滩上的露营车里过夜.

这个行程是与詹姆斯·沃尔曼合作制定的, 时间设计专家和畅销书作者 时间和如何利用时间. 它运用了他的时间和体验设计理念, combined with our private jet charter know-how to create a life-affirming journey that is only possible by private jet.

路线: 圣地亚哥 > 圣佩德罗德阿塔卡马 > 复活节岛 > Temuco > 乌斯怀亚 > Torres del Paine > Los Glaciares National Park > Uyuni > 圣地亚哥


我们的行程从 圣地亚哥, 智利’s leafy capital city; a buzzing cultural hub surrounded by the snow-capped Andes. Enjoy a late lunch at a local restaurant with fabulous views of the city 和 its mountainous backdrop, followed by a stroll around the colonial plaza to admire the neoclassical cathedral.

然后飞往卡拉马,驱车前往干旱的山城 圣佩德罗德阿塔卡马在途中停下来观看沙漠上壮观的日落 月谷其超凡脱俗的岩层类似于月球景观. 接下来的两晚你要在 Explora阿塔卡马, a luxury desert retreat where you can while away nights stargazing at the private observatory.


天还没亮就起床去拜访 Tatio间歇泉 – the early start is well worth the chance to witness the world’s highest geysers blow spectacularly at sunrise, 水柱在空中高达10米. 回来的路上,停下来在水里泡个澡 清教徒温泉 然后在传统村庄Machuca会见当地的美洲驼饲养员.

This afternoon you’re free to relax at the hotel, which boasts a pampering spa 和 outdoor pool. 或者,骑自行车或徒步旅行去探索沙漠景观. 晚饭后, marvel at the dazzlingly clear night sky under the expert guidance of a star specialist – the Milky Way is so bright here that it casts a shadow.


从沙漠出发,乘坐5个小时的直达航班前往 复活节岛 在太平洋. You’ll head straight from the plane to stretch your legs at the destination’s most famous attraction; an ancient collection of over 300 monolithic 摩埃 早期拉帕努伊人雕刻的雕像. These enormous stone sculptures date back at least 500 years 和 their origins have fascinated scientists for decades.

今天下午在棕榈树环绕的阿纳基纳海滩放松一下, 清澈碧绿的海水拍打着白色的珊瑚沙. 然后在 探索拉帕努伊岛, where you can enjoy upscale rooms 和 fabulous cuisine with breathtaking views of the coast 和 countryside.


早起为一个黎明参观 摘要汤加riki, Polynesia’s most important megalithic monument, which is home to a line of 15 ethereal 摩埃. 然后飞往特穆科,再乘直升机前往 Pucon 办理登机手续 &超越Vira Vira在接下来的几天里,你的基地.

故事发生在智利湖区一个34英亩的有机农场, this magnificent wooden lodge is known for its breathtaking vistas of the snow-capped 火山泥石流 Volcano, 农场到餐桌的美食和优秀的导游游览. 花一个下午欣赏风景的风格从室外热水浴缸, 或者乘坐旅馆自己的直升机从空中欣赏风景.


今天,你将踏上一次千载难逢的徒步旅行 火山泥石流. 它是智利最活跃的火山之一,也是环太平洋火山带的一部分, 这个标志性的山峰在2点钟的Pucon上空隐约可见,海拔840米. The gruelling uphill climb is well worth it when you finally reach the glacier summit, where you can look into the volcano’s smouldering crater 和 take in spectacular 360-degree views of surrounding volcanoes, 波光粼粼的泻湖和茂密的山丘.


今天早上, ease sore muscles from yesterday’s climb with a visit to the nearby soothing hot springs. 午饭后, get your adrenaline pumping again with a thrilling white-water rafting adventure on the Trancura River, 当你在曲折的急流中奔跑时,会经过令人难以置信的风景. 在晚上, 与当地马普切家庭一起享用美味佳肴, 了解他们的土著社区和祖先文化.


以回到水上开始新的一天, 这次是在宁静的柳库拉河上进行站立式划桨冲浪, taking in the glorious l和scape of volcanoes 和 native forest as brightly coloured birds swoop overhead. 这条水晶般的河流非常清澈,你甚至可以在里面浮潜, 看到鳟鱼和鲑鱼等野生动物在水中奔跑.

午饭后, you’ll depart Temuco – make sure you look out of the aircraft window for incredible views of the Andes Mountains bathed in the light of the setting sun. 您乘坐的航班将带您到达世界最南端的城市, 乌斯怀亚, which sits on 阿根廷’s Tierra del Fuego archipelago 和 is nicknamed the “End of the World.”

你将在……过夜 阿拉库尔乌斯怀亚度假村 & 水疗中心这是一家位于塞罗阿拉克海姆自然保护区的可持续建筑酒店. 从乌斯怀亚市中心几分钟,在一个壮观的露头高于城市, this peaceful resort is perfectly placed for both urban exploration 和 outdoor adventure.


今天,您将在比格尔运河上进行一次私人乘船之旅, 阿根廷和智利之间的一个狭窄的海滨. Stop along the way to discover some of the region’s fascinating wildlife at Isla de los Lobos, 哪里是一群海狮的家, 和马提洛岛, 在哪里可以看到可爱的麦哲伦企鹅和巴布亚企鹅.

在下午, 坐飞机去纳塔莱斯港,然后开车去你的基地度过接下来的两晚, 托雷斯·德尔·潘恩探险家. Exclusively located in the heart of 智利an Patagonia’s Torres del Paine National Park flanked by snow-capped peaks 和 Lake Pehoé, this luxury hotel is the perfect base from which to explore the surrounding wilderness of glaciers, 山, 湖泊和山谷.


从徒步穿越Country公园开始新的一天, 欣赏联合国教科文组织生物圈保护区的壮丽景色. Look out for the region’s famous cuernos – horn-like granite peaks that tower over the glistening lakes – as well as a host of wildlife such as condors, 南美, 南都和美洲狮.

今晚你将会见到一位美国环保主义者 Kristine汤普金斯*, former CEO of clothing br和 Patagonia 和 co-founder of the Tompkins Foundation. 克里斯汀和她已故的丈夫, 企业家出身的慈善家道格拉斯·汤普金斯, have helped to protect millions of acres of Patagonian wilderness by spearheading the creation of five new national parks. During the evening you’ll find out more about their work 和 hear Kristine’s stories about the region’s incredible l和scapes.


从波多黎各纳塔莱斯飞往 El Calafate 在阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚,然后开车去洛斯格拉齐亚雷斯Country公园. 这里你会看到 莫雷诺 冰川,被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产,高耸于水面之上. This natural spectacle periodically forms a natural dam across the southern arm of Lake Argentino 和, 不同寻常的, 仍在增长. 在部分冰川上徒步旅行,或在冰川底部乘船游览.

一天就要结束了, 飞往圣地亚哥,在比尼亚湾酒店停留两晚, 智利最豪华的酒店之一. 坐落在该国最好的葡萄酒产区的山顶上, this achingly chic vineyard retreat boasts breathtaking views of the Andes 和 uber-stylish rooms individually designed by 智利an 和 foreign artists.


今天你可以自由地充分利用你的时间 比尼亚湾. Stay onsite to enjoy amenities like the cantilevered infinity pool 和 pampering spa (we recommend a vinotherapy treatment), 或者在马背上探索藤蔓丛生的环境. 在用餐时间,盛宴令人兴奋的智利菜用新鲜的当地食材.

12 - 13天

Fly to Uyuni in southwest 玻利维亚 to discover the legendary Salar de Uyuni, the world’s largest 盐平. 当史前湖泊干涸时形成的, 这片由亮白色盐组成的令人眼花缭乱的景观覆盖了近11,000平方公里. 从印加瓦西岛观看令人惊叹的广阔, 寻找生活在那里的鲜艳的粉红色火烈鸟. 接下来的两晚,你将在洛奇学前的六个未来主义生态舱中的一个中度过, 在那里你可以享用当地美食,在星空下睡觉.

享受两个晚上在 洛奇学前


Return to 圣地亚哥 for lunch with beautiful views of the city 和 the 山 beyond to reflect on your experiences.



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